How To Heal Your Battle Scars- Tips to deal with high heel wounds

“Behind every scar there is an untold story of survival”

The worst feeling is when you trip over your own foot and you cut yourself with your own heel. Dancing in heels comes with its own set of risks, and this is how I treat my frequently cut up feet!

1. Time

Time and patience are the most important factors in any recovery. Two years later my huge foot scar is finally fading.

2. Ice & Elevate

Icing the area after the trauma will help reduce swelling so your body can start healing.

3. Manuka honey

Manuka honey has the ability to release hydrogen peroxide which makes it nature’s bandaid. There is also evidence of other bio processes that may aid the immune system and help with tissue repair. I continuously dressed my wounds with honey to help with healing. (My bandage was put on too tight post ankle surgery causing the tissue on the top of my foot to rot away)

4. Balms and oils

I tend not to use designated scar creams, and use my pricier facial oils on cuts. When I am done with my face care routine I’ll spread the excess on the top of my feet!

5. Exfoliation

As the wound heals, I exfoliate with chemical and physical scrubs to encourage skin cell turnover. Always follow up with a moisturizer!

No risk no reward!

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